Lineman Story
What is a Lineman? First, a Lineman is an individual created by God, loved by God, and called by God. Linemen are created on purpose, with purpose, for a purpose. My husband George would often say to me, “I was made . . . to turn the lights on!” He was extremely proud to serve in this occupation because he understood his purpose.
Linemen work on both transmission and distribution lines that originate from power plants and extend to communities all over the world. Their work equips businesses and individual homes with electrical power. It only takes a moment to realize the impact they have on our lives. So much of our lives would be limited without electrical power, and yet there are enormous possibilities with power.
When a Lineman understands his purpose, who is he?
He is a jack of all trades.
He is a lumberjack, a pipe fitter, a laborer, a truck driver, an operator, a firefighter, a paramedic, a wildlife care specialist, a designer, an engineer, a serviceman, an installer, a landscaper, a safety technician, a flagman . . . the list goes on and on for the hats that he wears while working this occupation.
A Lineman is smart.
He is a planner and a designer. He must be able to read blueprints, line diagrams and figure out tensions and load. He must understand precise measurements and be able to apply this understanding.
A Lineman is strong.
He must be physically and mentally strong. He must haul and lift heavy gear and wire. He works tirelessly with his arms overhead pulling wire. He climbs over and over when his knees and joints are in pain. He works long hours day and night while adapting to lots of change: changes in job sites, changes in weather and changes in any given situation. He knows that every moment is unpredictable.
A Lineman perseveres.
He keeps going when things fall or fail.
He troubleshoots that which cannot be seen, heard, or touched. He thinks ahead of every action, noting all movements in the moment while considering future expected possibilities. He is focused at all times, even when fatigue sets in, knowing that mistakes for a Lineman are life-threatening. He knows that every moment is unpredictable, and he must rely on his faith.
A Lineman thinks on his feet.
He must be able to think quickly during an emergency.
He must master fear so that he can climb to great heights, working in the air as if he is standing firmly on the ground. He must like adventure and be willing to take risks. A Lineman’s job is extremely dangerous, and safety is given priority. A lineman works in severe weather, under severe conditions and is a first responder in a crisis.
A Lineman is committed.
He is a hard worker, working under extreme pressure, extreme heat, and extreme danger in extreme conditions. He holds himself at a higher standard, knowing that one faulty pole or single fallen line can affect an entire town or even someone’s life.
A Lineman values his customers.
He makes customer service a priority knowing he deals with people and circumstances in the most desperate of times. He serves the rich, the poor, works all hours, on all holidays, in every season, and in any circumstance. He runs into the storm when others flee. He must rely on training, talent, skill, and teamwork in an environment where mistakes are not acceptable. He will respond to structure fires, downed power lines, vehicle accidents and weather events and must always remain focused knowing that he will see things that are difficult, and often may be called to save someone’s life.
A Lineman values others.
He is humble. He is proud to serve in an occupation that helps others. He is proud to know that his hard work will affect an individual, a family, a community, a town, or a city. He is a brother. He is a keeper of his fellow lineman.
A Lineman’s family must be strong.
They must be able to keep the home front going when he is unavailable and working. They must be able to embrace the moments when he must leave for outages and bring support and encouragement to him. These moments may come during important events, holidays, and even difficulties facing the family. The Lineman and his family must muster on and on, no matter what challenges are around them.
Who is a Lineman? Most importantly, he is a husband, a father, a son, a brother, a friend created on purpose, with purpose, for a purpose.
Written with love and appreciation for our Lineman all over the earth. By: Janice Cesil, A Grateful Linewife of Fallen Lineman, George Cesil